22 November 2011

photographing remnants of gothic stalinism

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
`My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away". 

-  Percy Bisshe Shelley, 'Ozymandias', 1818


here we are all, by day; by night we're hurl'd 
by dreams, each one into a several world 

 - Robert Herrick, 'Dreams', 2002

21 November 2011

have a wonderful martian monday!

and a video - with a great tune - matching the illo: David rendering the 1971 hit, Life On Mars, almost 30 years after, in 2000. enjoy it!

19 November 2011

black hair woman with two black cats

Yes I got a black magic woman,
Got me so blind I can't see 
That she's a black magic woman 
And she's tryin to make a devil out of me

Don't turn your back on me baby
Yes, don't turn your back on me baby
Stop messin round with your tricks
Don't turn your back on me baby
'Cause you just might pick up my magic stick

- excerpts from the song ‘Black Magic Woman’, Peter Green, 1968

18 November 2011

14 November 2011

november girl

(today, this quick sketch. hope you'll like it!)

Hello woman of my dreams
This is not
the way it seems
Purple words
on a grey background
To be a woman
and to be turned down
Old enough now
to change your name
When so many love you
is it the same
It's the woman in you
that makes you want
to play this game

- excerpt from 'Cowgirl in the Sand', Neil Young, 1969

11 November 2011


yesterday was 11.11.11. - meanwhile a new 'end of the world' was announced by some people, for others was a date of celebration and good luck. for the biggest bunch of people in the planet was only a curiosity. one more date without any special significance.
but it had some relevance - was the first day with temperatures below zero in the region, and on the windshields settled a fine layer of ice during the night.
a simple warning. a sample. a first bite of the coming winter.


hi, this is my contribution to today's topic in Illustration Friday - silent. hope you'll like it.
that, and have a great posting day, IF creatives!

10 November 2011

fall images of Oakville, ON

yesterday I was in Oakville, ON., and took a bunch of photos around the marine. here go some of them:

8 November 2011

gray wind

I felt the blowing of the wind
As it entered my breadth from deep within
It entered my soul, and then wouldn't let go
It is the wind, from whence life begins

- excerpt from 'The Wind', by Randy McClave, 2010

kitchen landscapes

7 November 2011

Supertcatto and Justicelion

Supercatto and Justicelion wish you a nice and productive week!
me too.

5 November 2011

Crokko buying a 6-pack

Crokko, Foxxo and Catto

something special for saturday. Camel rendering 'Rhayader Goes to Town' at the BBC in 1975, with camera orchestra and everything. seventies, the peak of rock creativity. from the famous album 'The Snow Goose'. enjoy it!

1 November 2011

Catto and Foxxo


Baseness of this life
Weakness in your arm
In days gone by
Your feats were glorified
But you were enslaved all the same
Just a slave of time

- excerpt from 'Slave of Time', Karelia, 2006